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Signed in as:
(325) 347- 5105
Fax: (325) 347- 5289
224 Broad Street / P.O. Box 178
Mason, Tx. 76856
To be the Body of Christ:
in Our Church
in Our Community
in Our World
To Know Christ
To Show Christ
To Grow Christ
Wednesday, March 5th at 5:15 PM
UMCOR Offering Sunday, March 30th
Prayer Stations are available in the Social Hall throughout Lent, as well as a Labyrinth in the courtyard.
Thursday, April 17th at 6:00 PM
To provide Christ-centered missions that serve people in need and promote spiritual growth and leadership development in youth annd young adults.
We are taking a group to serve in San Marcos, TX this summer from Sunday, June 22nd to Saturday June 28th.
Students who have completed 6th-12th grades by this summer are welcome. All adults can join us. You will be asked to complete our Safe Gatherings training and a background check in order to keep all of our students safe. You do not have to attend our church to join us! Contact Deandra if you want more information!
Follow this link if you would like to learn more out our program. There is a great video on this page that explains a little more about what a week at camp looks like. Deandra serves as the Vice President of our regional board and is happy to answer any questions you may have.
The work that we do for our clients is done at no cost to them. Participants pay $275 to attend the week and this fee covers many of the costs of the week. There are additional costs such as gas, extra supplies, and food. If you would like to make a donation to help our mission trip, please contact Deandra or drop off a check at the church office, made out to FUMC Mason with "UMARMY" noted at the bottom.
As soon as the individual registration link is open, I will post that link here! Check back for details!
July 6-12 an "army" of workers from U.M.ARMY will be in Mason County serving people in need! We will need your help to help make them feel at home for the week! Check back here for ways that you can pitch in!
It's time to SHAKE UP our groups and start some new ones in October! Here is a new opportunity for people in our congregation to get better acquainted with others in our church family! These dinner groups will consist of 4-5 households and your group will meet, for a year (more or less), once a month at different members’ houses or at a restaurant. The parameters of when and where your group meets is up to you! The main reason for these gatherings is to get to know others in our church community better through fellowship, so this does NOT need to be a fancy meal! If you have any questions or would like to be a part of a group, please contact Deandra!
Learn more about Steady Steps Daycare
First United Methodist Church 224 Broad Street PO Box 178 Mason, TX 76856
Open today | 08:30 am – 05:00 pm |
Our church office is open Monday-Thursday from 8:30-12 & 1-5, and Friday 8:30-12